Some 30 individuals from six states who suffer from sleep-disordered breathing (sleep apnea) participated in the September edition of ‘CPAP Talk – Live!’ -- a free monthly virtual support group sponsored by National Sleep Therapy. CPAP devices help people with sleep apnea get a better night’s sleep. It is estimated that over 18 million Americans suffer from sleep apnea, though most have yet to be diagnosed. (CPAP is an acronym for Continuous Positive Airway Pressure.)
Session host Eric Cohen (pictured), NST President and co-founder, touched on several timely topics including:
For anyone interested in joining the conversation on October 1 from 7 – 8 p.m. (ET): Just prior to the session, call 1-800.204.6655, enter access code 342-2187#. Anyone may submit questions in advance either via Facebook or use the cpaptalklive.com form. During each session, NST gives away a $25 gift card to one lucky participant. For more information: 888.867.8840 or support@nstherapy.com.
Session host Eric Cohen (pictured), NST President and co-founder, touched on several timely topics including:
- Medicare - In 2016 many regions may become Medicare ‘competitive bid’ areas. The rate Medicare pays for some medical supplies could be cut in half and the number of suppliers could shrink to 1 or 2.
- Most insurance companies want timely sleep data if they are to continue coverage. Cohen reviewed best ways to record and transmit data to ensure compliance.
- If a patient fails using CPAP, Cohen suggested talking to their doctor about substituting a bi-level device, then try for another sleep study to obtain insurance coverage.
- The session also featured initial findings from a new NST patient survey.
- Most common CPAP issues are mask comfort, skin issues, condensation and dry mouth.
- Respondents said using CPAP enables them to stay awake during the day, feel more alert, and have an overall better attitude.
- Respondents recommended that patients keep trying masks until they find one that fits well; To be successful, you have to stick with it, knowing how harmful sleep apnea is; Never go away without your CPAP; Have a positive attitude.
- “When my grandson first saw me wearing the mask, he said, "Luke, I am your mother."
- “My wife waits til I have my mask on to ask me questions!”
- “Why did the CPAP user stop when his machine broke? Because he only works under pressure.”
For anyone interested in joining the conversation on October 1 from 7 – 8 p.m. (ET): Just prior to the session, call 1-800.204.6655, enter access code 342-2187#. Anyone may submit questions in advance either via Facebook or use the cpaptalklive.com form. During each session, NST gives away a $25 gift card to one lucky participant. For more information: 888.867.8840 or support@nstherapy.com.
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