Some 20 million Americans have sleep apnea. Most have yet to be diagnosed! Untreated sleep apnea can have serious consequences. Just ask Vermont resident Sylvie Hebert who will be sharing her terrifying story about falling asleep at 65 mph and how this dramatic wake-up call may have saved her life. After the accident – in which her car slammed into a guardrail and ended up in a median strip ditch -- Sylvie’s doctor prescribed a test for sleep apnea and it was discovered that she had sleep apnea. “I had been chronically tired for about 20 years,” she says, “but I just thought that was part of aging. I never knew sleep apnea was a real disorder.” Since starting CPAP therapy, Sylvie has more energy, she’s more alert, and boasts, “I don’t fall asleep watching movies anymore.”
Chronic fatigue can exacerbate high blood pressure, heart disease, type 2 diabetes and/or weight gain, as well as increase chances of highway or workplace accidents. Untreated, lack of deep sleep can lead to a lower quality of life -- even a shorter life expectancy.

Anyone who has (or thinks they have) sleep apnea can share stories and seek advice during ‘CPAP Chat,’ a free monthly group virtual support session, ( -- formerly ‘CPAP Talk –Live!, The next session is set for Wednesday, May 6, from 7-8 pm (ET). The town-hall-style forums are held at the same time on the first Wednesday of each month, Each month, people from across the country join the conversation. (To join the chat: Just prior to the session, call 1-800.204.6655, enter access code 342-2187#.)
CPAP Chat host is Eric Cohen, sleep therapy founder and inventor, who says, “Snoring may indicate that an individual has sleep apnea, but chronic fatigue can be a more subtle red flag. A sleep test will tell, and, if confirmed, a physician may prescribe CPAP therapy (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure), a device that uses gentle air-flow to keep airways open to allow deep sleep. Interested individuals may also send questions in advance either via Facebook or using the form. During each session, CPAP Chat gives away a $25 gift card to one participant. For more information go to or send us an email to:
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